Welcome to Kereru's Blog! We will be sharing photos, work and news on
this website.

We hope you
enjoy it. Positive comments are very welcome.

Bigger, Faster, Stronger!

Busy Bees
Dorie School have started our new Topic called Bigger, Faster, Stronger. To tune into this topic we did a whole-school challenge.  There were eight different challenges about simple machines, and we rotated round each activity in mixed groups.

The activities were: rollers, levers, wheels and axle (and cogs), pulleys, screws, and wedges.

Here are some pictures of people working hard on their challenges.

Rebecca searching for the answer!

From 3 of the Kereru bloggers - Charlotte, Danielle and Rebecca.

Groovy Grass Guys!!!

Lately in Kereru we have been making Groovy Grass Guys.
Some made Groovy Grass Girls!!!
Once we had finished making our Grass Guys, we then wrote a set of instructions on how to make one.
At the moment our Grass Guys  are mostly bald, and are just beginning to sprout hair (grass!)
Aren't they pretty :-) !!!
We have now put them in the sunshine and they are making real progress.

From 3 of the Kereru boggers - Charlotte, Danielle, and Rebecca.